Council of Academic Leadership

About the Council of Academic Leadership
The Council of Academic Leadership (CAL), which was re-established in May of 2011, has quickly become an integral part of The Metropolitan Bureau of School Studies by providing a strong forum for the sharing of instructional programs and practices among member school districts. CAL is comprised primarily of curriculum and instruction leaders from the three Metropolitan Detroit counties, but also includes members from outstate school districts, Wayne State and Oakland Universities.
The Council of Academic Leadership serves as a clearinghouse for current instructional practices of member districts while also identifying needed in-service activities not currently offered through other agencies. The Council, recognizing that new educational practices being investigated for consideration and possible implementation face the constraints of a tight budget, assists member districts by showcasing presentations from only those educational leaders who have demonstrated success and have presented topics that are relevant, innovative, but most of all economically feasible to replicate.
CAL meets monthly to share common curriculum/assessment concerns and to seek ideas and solutions to benefit all students within our member districts. Each meeting begins with a guest presenter or a panel discussion of a relevant educational topic. Meetings regularly include presentations from K-12 teachers and university faculty that focus on innovative instructional practices and the use of technology in the classroom. These interactive presentations include active and spirited dialogue among CAL members and guests. CAL meetings conclude with a round robin sharing on each member district’s current status update as it relates to instruction and curriculum. The meetings are open to curriculum, instruction and technology leaders from member districts.
The Council also keeps current with political and legal issues impacting instruction and curriculum matters by inviting national, state and local instructional leaders who are knowledgeable and actively involved in those areas that impact our member districts.
Finally, The Council of Academic Leadership serves at the pleasure of its member Metro Bureau Districts and, as a result, will reflect only those ideas, values and practices that are in their best interests.
Our Mission
The Council of Academic Leadership offers a forum to inform, network and learn with and from colleagues.