Subsidiaries and
Business Partners
The Metro Bureau provides a two-pronged approach to support the management of financial resources that address purchasing and consumption. While the most valuable (and expensive) resources for schools are the human resources, a substantial portion of every school budget goes toward energy. Metro Bureau Group Services, our subsidiary entity, provide special consortium pricing for the purchase of natural gas and electricity at very competitive prices.

A striking change during the 74 years of operation of The Bureau has been the shift in the core business of public schools. We used to be in the business of teaching. Now, we are in the business of learning. This shift has made it mandatory for boards of education and superintendents to plan ahead for changing needs. The Bureau has been a major source of information and support for our members as they meet the needs of their communities.
For the 2020–2021 school year, the membership of the Bureau consisted of 77 education organizations including 71 public school districts, three Intermediate school districts, one community college and two universities.
About Our Business Partners
The Metropolitan Detroit Bureau of School Studies pursues relationships with organizations that work with public school systems in a variety of capacities. Our belief is that through our business partnerships, The Metro Bureau can enhance the expertise we provide to our member school districts. Our business partners continue to support public education through their continued generosity and by providing the highest level of service to our members.
The Metro Bureau Business Partners are a valuable asset. Not only do they support The Metro Bureau financially, but each Metro Bureau business partner:
Has expertise within their field that school district leaders need and want
Enjoys a superior reputation in providing high quality service to school districts in our region
Is willing to consult with any Metro Bureau member for little or no cost
Supports public education in Michigan
About Our Subsidiary
Metro Bureau Group Services
Metro Bureau Group Services, Inc. is an energy consortium formed by The Metropolitan Detroit Bureau of School Studies, Inc., to assist school districts, ISDs, community colleges and universities in saving significant sums of money on utility costs. The energy consortium uses the aggregate purchasing power of its membership to dramatically reduce the costs of gas and electricity for these institutions. It is typically not cost effective for individual institutions to become involved in complex negotiations with utility companies. Metro Bureau Group Services is uniquely suited for such action. The current natural gas contracts and purchasing arrangements, implemented by the Consortium, have already saved our members hundreds of thousands of dollars on their gas and electricity bills.
The main objective of The Metro Bureau Group Services, Inc. is to save members money by improving their bargaining power and business position. The consortium provides a level playing field when dealing with third-party gas or electricity suppliers, local utilities and regulatory agencies. The consortium selects a third-party gas supplier from among many who have responded to a Request For Proposal. Contract terms contain a covenant under which the supplier guarantees that gas costs to members will be less than prices to individual educational institutions.
Benefits of MBGS
When using Metro Bureau purchase agreements, additional buildings may be included for participation in the direct purchase program, resulting in even greater savings.
Metro Bureau Group Services is in a position to intervene in administrative proceedings before the Public Service Commission for the purpose of representing the interests of its members. The regulatory process is frequently considered to be too costly for individual members. The consortium’s participation allows its members to have a voice in these important proceedings at an affordable cost.
Based on actual results, our experience shows that the savings to members will be substantial and much greater than energy savings provided by other consortiums.
Metro Bureau Group Services is extremely well positioned to participate in electricity decontrol. Our analysts estimate that a 20 percent savings in electricity costs is possible.
Clearly, the greater the number of institutions which opt to join The Metro Bureau Group Services, the lower the cost will be to each member. Savings resulting from membership in the consortium cannot be matched through individual negotiation. We believe that no other consortium can equal our savings and services.